Florida Panhandle, Alabama Gulf Coast and some other places…

What I loved about Florida:
Meeting Sue and Dan! 🙂

All the different birds, especially the Pelicans. It’s very relaxing to sit at the beach and watch the Pelicans diving for fish. They are very elegant.

Butterflies – all around.


Sun, beaches, white sand, the ocean.
St. George Island and the Alabama Coast.

Bike lanes and the possibility to rent bikes.

The bridges.

The Off-season.
Meeting people on campgrounds.
Watching the sunset at the beach.

Sitting outside in restaurants!
The seafood.
The Key Lime Pie.

Collecting shells – what is it with shells? Once you start looking for the special one, you’re addicted 😉

Swimming in the Ocean, being the only one 🙂

Breakfast on campgrounds, while planning the route for the day!

What I didn’t like ….. hahaha, just forget it. Remember the good things, anything else is already forgotten!

More than two weeks of traveling already went by, I have been to many different places, drove a bit more than 2000 miles, through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky so far. Kentucky has been the 34th State I visited thoughout the years.

And you know what? I still love it. I feel good, exploring new areas, stumble accidentially over hidden treasures, like small State Parks along the roads or local Diners serving homemade food, seeing a deer on the roadside and having nice talks with friendly people on campgrounds and other places.

I’m looking forward to the next two weeks! 🙂