Grand Teton NP – Rainy days

Four years ago, in 2010, I went with my friend Charlotte on a four weeks travel along the Rocky Mountains. Starting in Denver, relaxing a few days at Maroon Lake near Aspen to get rid of the jet lag, going all the way up to Grand Teton and Yellowstone NP, further west to visit Devils Tower,  Badlands NP, Mt. Rushmore, Wind Cave NP, driving back to the Rockies to spent two days at Rocky Mountains NP, before we ended up in Denver again. Most of the time the weather was nice and sunny, but we also faced some rainy days, and in the altitudes of the Rocky Mountain area we had some frosty nights on the campground.

It’s just something you have to be prepared for, even in August you can have snow in the higher areas.

Grand TetonWe arrived at Grand Teton NP on a beautiful summer day, checked in at the nice campground, and were eager to see our first bisons in the wild. Oh my, we were not disappointed! First the bisons in the postcard-like setting in front of the Tetons, and later, just a few steps away from the campground, the bisons making their evening walk on the roadside.

Grand Teton Grand Teton

Later on the travel we’ve seen so many more bisons, but it never ceased to amaze us.

On the next morning we woke up to some rain drops on the tents, and during the following days it was a mix of rain, thunderstorms and Grand Tetonclouds. And no, you will not hear any complaints! Look at the photo gallery and then tell me the colours of nature are not breathtakingly beautiful! There is nothing to complain about having the chance to enjoy this spectacular landscape. And the other benefit, we had it all to ourselves, even the campground at Jackson Lake was nearly empty.

So yes, those rainy days are saved as precious travel memories!